Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Morocco 4

The Medina! It's a crazy crazy place that I have been to twice now. For those of you reading who don't know about Medinas, they are basically shuks (stores) all together with tiny passage ways between them. There's some open areas for food vendors, snake, henna, and monkey people etc. It's very unsafe, especially for people who look like tourists. I managed to take some pictures of what it looked like but didn't get to get many since I'd rather my camera not get stolen. So these little shops are all really interesting, there's different areas of the passage ways for different types of vendors. For example, all of the shoe vendors are all next to each other, that way the shoppers can compare products and prices easily. There are many colorful interesting shops, many selling products like shoes, clothing, spices, cloth, metal, lamps, leather, bags, and rugs. There's stuff hanging about the walkway as you pass and everywhere around you, no space to walk by, and you never know when a snake man will put a snake around your neck and ask for money (which has already happened). supposedly the food in the Medina is the best around, but you have to be willing to get sick if you try anything. Today I got my first sign of meebs (amoeba) from food that I ate yesterday. Here you never know where the food comes from and what's been done to it.

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