Monday, June 24, 2013

Start 4

I've been in morocco for 4 days now, which is actually enough to write an extremely huge long article about the orientation in DC, plane ride, and the first few days in Morocco so i'll just start with the orientation.

I flew into DC June 16th, missing part of father's day AND my brother's birthday. The plane ride was about 45 minutes. Getting off the plane, I was alone and had absolutely no idea where to go. Like a lost puppy, I started walking towards baggage claim thinking maybe someone could be there to find me, if not at least I could get my baggage. Before I got there, I was intercepted by a group leader, who would be going to Morocco with me and all of the other kids. Getting to the hotel, I walk in and see 10 pairs of eyes staring at me. At first they all seemed really creepy but after the first few minutes went by it got better, we went for a walk around Arlington Virginia (just us kids) to get to know each other, which was definitely worth it because our walk ended up being 4 or 5 hours of sitting and socializing with the group of 10 people. We got back to the hotel and found many more people, who over time we got to know as well but initially it was nice to start with a group of a smaller number and then working up. Meeting all of the new people all at once was absolutely the coolest thing I have gotten to do in a long time. Everyone in the group has the same drive and desire to learn Arabic, which I have never seen before, making this fresh, new group of people a very special group. After a few days of games and lectures, we left to Paris to change flights to Casablanca.

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